How can I cancel my subscription?

For Web:

To cancel your subscription, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to our web app using your credentials.

Step 2: Once logged in, locate the user menu at the top-right corner of the screen. It may be represented by your email address or an avatar.

Step 3: Click on the user menu to open a dropdown menu.

A screenshot is provided below for reference:

Step 4: From the dropdown menu, select the "Billing" option in your account settings.

A screenshot is provided below for reference:

Step 5: In the billing section, you should find information about your current subscription plan.

Step 6: Look for an option or link to "Cancel Plan"  Click on it.

A screenshot is provided below for reference:

Step 7: A confirmation or verification screen may appear. Read through the information presented carefully.

Step 8: Follow the prompts or instructions provided to proceed with the cancellation process.

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