How do I add a client to my credit memo?

Create a new credit memo or select a previously created one to edit it.

Click on the Add Client column— the first one on the top of the credit memo editor. It will show you the list of all the saved clients. Select the one you are creating the credit memo for. 

If you need to send the credit memo to a new client that is not on the list, tap on the ‘+’ button at the bottom to feed in the new client's details and save it.

Or, you can first select the client and then create a credit memo. Just follow the below-mentioned steps for doing so.

  • Go to the Clients section by tapping on the Clients card on the home screen.
  • Select the client you want to create a credit memo for.
  • Tap on the blue ‘+’ button at the bottom of the screen and select Credit Memo.

You will be taken to the edit credit memo screen with automatically filled client details.

That is how you would be able to add clients to credit memos in the mobile application. Now let’s see what is the process to add clients to the web application.


  • Click on the Add Client box on the top-left corner of the credit memo editor.
  • Tap on the Add Client button to feed in the details of the new clients and save it.

Or, you can first select the client and then create a credit memo. For that:

  • Go to the Clients section from the left-hand menu.
  • Select the client you want to create a credit memo for.
  • Click on the Create button on the top right of the screen.
  • Select credit memo from the drop-down menu.

That’s how easy it is to create and save a client and add it to a credit memo.

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